With the diversified wireless network access technology and large-scale equipment of multinetwork interface devices expanding,\nnetwork transmission performance for multi-homed terminals has been widely concerned by academic circles. More and more\nscholars have paid attention to Multipath Transmission Control Protocol (MPTCP) as one of the representative methods for\nstudying path transmission performance. However, their studies ignore the impact of dynamic network environments on data\ntransmission performance and seldom consider the priority of data transmission. Undoubtedly, not prioritizing packets will have a\ndramatic effect on the users experience in the heterogeneous networks. In this paper, we propose a novel priority-aware streaming\nmedia multipath data scheduler mechanism(PO-MPTCP) to achieve the following goals: (1) detecting the priority of all streaming\nmedia data; (2) achieving multiattribute-aware path evaluation and switching mechanism; (3) introducing a path-quality prioritydriven\ndata distributionmechanismto improve streaming multipath transmission performance.The simulation experiment shows\nthat PO-MPTCP proposed by this paper improves the transmission performance of streaming media and reduces the transmission\ndelay. For the result of simulation experiment, it is easy for us to find that PO-MPTCP is more efficient in data delivery than the\nstandard MPTCP mechanism.